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Dear members of the ComArtSci community,
This is a time of profound sorrow and significance. And it is also a time for reflection. The impact statements from the survivors of Nassar’s horrific actions have brought to light the enormity of harm inflicted by one individual and the failures of a system of which we are an integral part.
Much has to be done to restore the lost trust and confidence. We have to redress the harm. We have to draw from the pain and courage of the survivors and redouble our efforts to protect all members of our community, particularly students who are entrusted to our care.
If you have suggestions or concerns, you can meet with me or Geri Zeldes. And if your students need help, please ask them to get in touch with Kari Schueller Lopez.
In the days to come, I am looking forward to listening to your perspectives and understanding what lessons can be learned from this tragedy. In the meantime, I would like to bring to your attention resources that are currently available through the university.
Prabu David

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