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Much of our news and information storytelling appears in visual form as information graphics. Sometimes an information graphic (also called infographic) is easier than text to explain a complex idea quickly.

An infographic can appear in various forms, such as a pie or bar chart, map, diagram and more. They help to explain trends and statistics (e.g., changes in population), what is happening in various parts of the country (e.g., states that legalize marijuana), procedures (e.g., how to exit an airplane in case of an emergency) and more.

Infographics can be used in place of the written word or to supplement it. Students interested in infographics are encouraged to be a member of the international student Society of News Design, housed in MSU’s School of Journalism.

Students would complete 12 credits for the Information Graphics Concentration from the following options:

  • JRN 345 (3 credits) Images and Messages
  • JRN 338 (3 credits) Information Graphics
  • JRN 438 (3 credits) Advanced Information Graphics

Complete three additional credits from the following course options:

  • JRN 336 (3 credits) Designing for Media
  • JRN 492 (3 credits) Special betboom casino reviewTopics, if applicable and with advisor approval
  • JRN 487 (6 credits) Study Abroad - Creative Journey Barcelona to Berlin

Questions about this focus area? Schedule an appointment with your advisor.