betboom dacha

betboom dacha dubai

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” It’s true. Photos bring the world to our doorstep.

If you want to become a professional photographer, then this is the place for you.

Your photos will make ordinary things more interesting, and strange things even more exotic. This is visual communication that needs no words to tell a story. Shoot and edit the great photographs that help people learn about our world.

Students would complete 12 credits for the Photojournalism Concentration from the following options:

  • JRN 345 (3 credits) Images and Messages
  • JRN 310 (3 credits) Photojournalism
  • JRN 410 (3 credits) Advanced Photojournalism: Documentary

Complete three additional credits from the following course options:

  • JRN 483 Study Abroad - Photo Communication in Europe
  • JRN 492 (3 credits) Special Topics, if applicable and with advisor approval
  • CAS 110 (3 credits) Creative Thinking
  • CAS 112 (3 credits) Story, Sound and Motion
  • CAS 205 (1 credit) Media Photography
  • CAS 396 (1-4 credits) Integrated Media Arts Special Topics, if applicable and with advisor approval
  • CAS 496 (3 credits) Advanced Media Project Design and Production, if applicable and with advisor approval

Questions about this focus area? Schedule an appointment with your advisor.