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Last fall, the ComArtSci alumni board recognized a need to share more alumni stories and instantly responded with an initiative to include current students in the process.

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The alumni board, in partnership with Dean Prabu David, has defined several priority areas and one of them continues to be increased engagement of alumni for the benefit of the students.

Resources were the missing component to execute the communications needed to reach our global alumni and educate them on the range of opportunities available for them to engage.  

In one day, one meeting in fact, the alumni board raised over $20,000 to support the hiring of two student interns who work within the college’s communications team and focus on the work of storytelling for the alumni board and its committees working in collaboration with members of the board. Since October, several other individuals have come forward to support betboom sports bettingthese efforts focused on connecting with and engaging our ComArtSci alumni. 

The student interns support the board which is focused on supporting the priorities of the Dean to make available opportunities for alumni to engage, add value to the student experience and be seen as stellar examples for what our graduates can do with their ComArtSci degree.  

Additionally, we all know how important internships are to professional success. This fund enables our students to have an incredible experience working with our staff and alumni board to advance the goals and objectives of our College. It also provides exceptional mentoring opportunities with our alumni. 

Student Impact

Hear directly from the students about the impact of this experience.

Advertising Senior

betboom casino reviewBeing an intern for the ComArtsSci Alumni Board has been a great experience. I have learned so many communication skills that I will be able to use in my future career. I continue to learn and grow every day, particularly my skills to verbally communicate with others in a group and give presentations. I really enjoy working with my team to come up with ideas to promote our college. I think my favorite campaign that I’ve contributed to is the “What Are You Going to Do With That” videos. I’ve taken part by conducting interviews and overseeing the editing and distribution of these videos to our online platforms. It has also been really interesting to hear from alumni and discuss how they found success and what MSU has done for them. I think this was a really strong idea and I know it will be very well received by ComArtsSci students. Overall, this position has been a wonderful opportunity for me, and I look forward to continuing to broaden my skillset and gain more experience"


Advertising Management

"When I was given the opportunity to become an intern for the ComArtSci alumni board, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. What I’ve come to learn is that this position allows its interns to dabble with different projects and jobs under the umbrella of Communications, Public Relations, Marketing, and Graphic design. This is perfect for anyone who is in the college of ComArtSci and isn’t exactly sure what job title they want after college. This internship has also given me my first experience of meeting and working with successful alumni. Working with the alumni board members has been great because it has provided me with so many more skills and guidance for post-grad life".

Advertising Management

My name is Tori Monroe, I am a senior majoring in advertising management with a minor in entrepreneurship and innovation. When I applied for this internship, I was hoping to gain more experience in communication as well as working in a more professional setting. This internship has given me insight into both of those things and much more. I can confidently say that my organization, communication, and punctuality has greatly improved since working as a Digital Content Intern. After graduation, I plan to work in a social media and/or communications position. This internship has made me more equipped to go into either of these fields. 

We invite you to support this effort. Click this link below to contribute to the ComArtSci Alumni Communications Fund and support our student interns

Comartsci alumni communications fund

Thank you for helping us make this a successful campaign!