MI 101: Understanding Media and Information

3 credits

Critique and analysis of media including television, radio, film, handhelds, video games, social media and the Internet. Media history, effects and ethics. Technology, business and social developments affecting the media in the information society.

MI 320: Reasoning with Data

3 credits

Explore and summarize structured data using simple statistics such as means, standard deviations, contingency tables, and hypothesis tests, and use this data to evaluate arguments and draw conclusions about technology performance and human behavior.

MI 350: Evaluating Human-Centered Technology

3 credits

How to form context-specific inquiry based on user needs and goals, assess fundamental usability problems, conduct lab-based summative evaluation methods, summarize their evaluation results into reports and design suggestions.

MI 401: Topics in Information Science

3 credits

Cultural, technological, and design evolution of information. Conventional and emerging theories of information processes and effects. Critical examination of empirical betboom casino reviewresearch concerning social impacts of media, information technologies, and the internet.

MI 462: Social Media and Social Computing

3 credits

Social and technological perspectives on how people collaborate using social media and other information and communication technologies. Experience with using multiple collaboration platforms and analysis of differences between enabling technologies.