jennifer betboom casino review Rumler

Jennifer Rumler

Academic Specialist

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Jennifer Rumler is the Managing Director and Faculty Member for the Sales Leadership Minor, a collaboration between the Broad College of Business and the betboom dacha dubai. She teaches COM 360, Advanced Sales Communication, and supervises all Sales Internships (COM 483) and all Communication Internships (COM 493). In addition, she is the faculty lead for the Made in Italy Study Abroad Program, which offers 9 credits in 6 weeks based in Rome, Italy. The program takes place the first 6 weeks of the summerand consists of a marketing course, Made in Italy:the Marketing of a Brand Phenomenon; a communication course, Italian Communication: Popes, Politicians, and Popular Culture; and she teaches the Intercultural Communication and Sales course (CAS 492), which explores a current social problem in Italy using the theory and practice of corporate social responsibility and community engagement and how the issue affects the economy and business. She is the advisor for two betboom casino review groups, Global Sales Leadership Society and Alpha Kappa Psi, a co-educational business fraternity. She has three sons and has hosted four international high school exchange students, one from Germany and three from Italy.

Research and Teaching

Community Engagement, Service Learning, and Corporate Social Responsibility

Refugee Trauma

Linguistics of the Sales Process

Study and Learning Abroad

Community Engagement on Study Abroad Programs

Related Work

Contact Information

404 Wilson Rd, Room 469
East Lansing, MI 48824
