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Megan Knittel

Assistant Professor

  • Media & Information


Megan Knittel is a teacher scholar interested in how computers change the way people form community and interpersonal connections. Megan's dissertation project examined how the Internet of Things and smart home technologies play a role in intimate partner violence and "tech abuse". Her diverse research program on tech-mediated harms contributes to human computer interaction and information policy. In addition to intimate partner violence and emerging computing, research topics include online communities, equitable technology design, mis/disinformation and information policy, and online disclosure in LGBTQ+ populations. Megan completed her Bachelor of Science in Anthropology and Psychology at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. She defended her Ph.D. dissertation in the Department of Media & Information at Michigan State in 2023. Megan's research program is rooted in community-engaged research betboom teampractice and centers on capturing the insights and experiences of impacted communities throughout the research process. Megan is committed to connecting research to professionals working in trust and safety, information policy, and legislative spaces and translate insights to the dynamic problems our modern information ecosystems face.

Research and Teaching

human computer interaction, tech harms, tech abuse, online communities, platform governance

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