2020 - 2021

Journal Articles


betboom casino review ((2020 [forthcoming]). 'Effects of Transparent Brand Communication on Perceived Brand Authenticity and Consumer Responses'. Journal of Product & Brand Management

Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., Duan, R., Tiffany, L.A., Takahashi, B., (Under review [2020]). 'How conservation organizations visually communicate about wildlife crime – A content analysis of advertisement images'. Environmental Communication

Joshi, A., (Under review [2020]). 'Motivating Sustainable Behaviors by Framing Biodiversity Loss as a Public Health Risk'. Journal of Risk Research

Parks, P., White, L., (Under review [2020]). 'Foregrounding Backgrounds: How Scientists Conceive Art to Express the Invisible '. Science Communication

Yang, J., Teran, C., Battocchio, A. F., Bertellotti, E., & Wrzesinski, S., (2020 [forthcoming]). 'Building Brand Authenticity on Social Media: The Impact of Instagram Ad Model Genuineness and Trustworthiness on Perceived Brand Authenticity and Consumer Responses'. Journal of Interactive Advertising


Conference Papers


Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., Duan, R., Tiffany, L.A., Takahashi, B., (2020). 'How conservation organizations visually communicate about wildlife crime – A content analysis of advertisement images'. ICA

Bauer, J.M. and Prado, T. S., (2021 forthcoming - feb). 'Lessons from innovation economics for digital platform policy'. TPRC

Prado, T. S., (2021 forthcoming - feb). 'Assessing market power of digital platforms'. TPRC

Rifon, N., Muraro, I.S., McGuire, G., (2021 submitted). 'Parallel and Synergistic Pathways to Celebrity Persuasion: Consumer Ideal-Celebrity and Celebrity-Product Congruence as Determinants of Expertise and Trustworthiness, and the Role of Involvement in Determining the Use of Congruence Cues'. AAA

Alhabash, S., Dong, Y., Moureaud, C., Hybels, C., Muraro, I. S., Nicolas, M., Githua, M. C., Hertig, J., (2021 submitted). 'Effects of Fear and Humor Appeals in Public Service Announcements (PSAs) on Intentions to Purchase Prescription Medications via Social Media'. ICA

Dong, Y., Alhabash, S., Githua, W., & Suneja, A., (2021 submitted) [Extended Abstract]. 'Truth Default and COVID-19 Misinformation: Ability to Identify Misinformation and COVID-19 Beliefs and Protective Behaviors'. ICA

Smith, S., Park, S., Dong, Y., Hendriks, H., & Alhabash, S., (2021 submitted). 'Social Media Use and Alcohol Consumption: A 10-Year Systematic Review'. ICA

2019 - 2020

Journal Articles


Thorson, K., Cotter, K., Medeiros, M., Pak, C., (2019). 'Algorithmic inference, political interest, and exposure to news and politics on Facebook'. Information, Communication & Society, 24(Jan), 18

Barchas-Lichtenstein, J., Fraser, J., Parson, P., Norlander, R. J., Griffin, J., Akpan, N., Daub, T., Marder, J., Raine, C., Roberts, S.-J., Boulter, M., Carey, T., Dennis, V., Hendry, E., Hugo, K., Khan, S., Kocak, I., Santhanam, L., Shivni, R., Strum, L., Tiffany, L. A., & Wagner, A., (2019). 'Negotiating Genre and New Media for STEM News'. Journalism Practice, 14(6), 643-663

Mourão, R. R., & Robertson, C. T., (2019). 'Fake News as Discursive Integration: An Analysis of Sites That Publish False, Misleading, Hyperpartisan and Sensational Information'. Journalism Studies, 20(14), 2077-2095

Knittel, M., Pitts, S. And Wash, R., (2019). 'The Most Trustworthy Coin”: How Ideology Builds and Maintains Trust in Bitcoin'. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 3, 1-23

Mendelman, L., Fordham, J., Rabindra, R., Knittel, M. & Milik, O., (2019). 'Sentimental Avatars: Gender Identification and Vehicles of Selfhood in Popular Media from Nineteenth-Century Novels to Modern Video Games'. Games & Culture

Chaar, D., Shin, J. Y., Mazzoli, A., Vue, R., Kedroske, J., Chappell., G, ... & Choi, S. W., (2019). 'A Mobile Health App (Roadmap 2.0) for Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Qualitative Study on Family Caregivers' Perspectives and Design Considerations'. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 7(10), e-15775

Russell B. Clayton, Arthur A. Raney, Mary Beth Oliver, Dominik Neumann, Sophie H. Janicke-Bowles & Katherine R. Dale, (2019). 'Feeling transcendent? Measuring psychophysiological responses to self-transcendent media content '. Media Psychology, 1-26

Rheu, M., Jang, Y., & Peng, W., (2019). 'Enhancing Healthy Behaviors Through Virtual Self: A Systematic Review of Health Interventions Using Avatars'. Games for Health Journal, 9(2), 85-94

Jeremy Reynolds, Matthew May, He Xian, (2019). 'Not by Bread Alone: Mobility Experiences, Religion, and Optimism about Future Mobility'. Socius, 5

Takahashi, B., Zhang, Q., & Chavez, M., (2019). 'Preparing for the Worst: Lessons for News Media After Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico'. Journalism Practice, 1-19

Li, L., & Peng, W., (2019). 'Does health information technology promote healthy behaviors? The mediating role of self-regulation'. Health Communication, 1772-1781

Li, L., Peng, W., Kononova, A., Bowen, M., & Cotten, S. R., (2019). 'Factors associated with older adults’ long-term use of wearable activity trackers'. Telemedicine and e-health, 26(6), 769-775

Choi, Y., Slaker, J., & Ahmad, (2019). 'Deep strike: Playing gender in the world of Overwatch and the case of Geguri'. Feminist Media Studies, 1-16

Fordham, J., & Ball, C., (2019). 'Framing mental health within digital games: an exploratory case study of Hellblade'. JMIR Mental Health, 6(4), e-12432

Francis, J., Rikard, R. V., Cotten, S. R., & Kadylak, T., (2019). 'Does ICT Use matter? How information and communication technology use affects perceived mattering among a predominantly female sample of older adults residing in retirement communities'. Information, Communication and Society, 22(9), 1281-1294

Ratan, R., Beyea, D., Li, B. J., & Graciano, L., (2019). 'Avatar characteristics induce users’ behavioral conformity with small-to-medium effect sizes: a meta-analysis of the proteus effect'. Media Psychology, 23(5), 651-675

Sadler, R., Sanders-Jackson, A., Introne, J., & Adams, R., (2019). 'The Association of Objectively Measured Food Store Scores to Store & Neighborhood Favorability Among College Students'. International Journal of Health Geographics, 18(1), 1-12

Willis, E., Adams, R., & Keene, J. R., (2019). 'If Everyone Is Doing It, It Must Be Safe: Development and Effects of Attitudes Toward Poly-Substance Use Among College Students'. Substance use and misuse, 54(11), 1886-1893

Keene, J. R., Rasmussen, E., Berke, C.K., Densley, R., Loof, T., Adams, R., Mumma, G., & Marshall, A., (2019). 'The Effect of Plot Explicit, Educational Explicit, and Implicit Inference Information and Coviewing on Children’s Internal and External Cognitive Processing'. Medicine, 47(2), 153-174

Jin, S. V., Muqaddam, A., & Ryu, E., (2019). 'Instafamous and social media influencer marketing'. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 37(5), 567-579

Holtz, B., Mitchell, K., Holmstrom, A., Cotten, S., Hershey, D., Dunneback, J., Jimenez Vega, J. & Wood, M., (2020). 'Teen and Parental Perspectives regarding Transition of Care in Type 1 Diabetes'. Children and Youth Services Review, 110

Cotter, K., Reisdorf, B., (2020). 'Algorithmic knowledge gaps: A new dimension of (digital) inequality'. International Journal of Communication, 14, 745-765

Robertson, C. T., Mourão, R. R., & Thorson, E., (2020). 'Who Uses Fact-Checking Sites? The Impact of Demographics, Political Antecedents, and Media Use on Fact-Checking Site Awareness, Attitudes, and Behavior'. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(2), 217-237

Robertson, C.T., & Mourão, R., (2020). 'Faking alternative journalism? An analysis of self-presentations of ‘fake news’ sites'. Digital Journalism, 24, 1-19

Shin, J. Y., & Choi, S. W., (2020). 'Online Interventions geared towards increasing resilience and reducing distress in caregivers and families'. Current Opinion in Supportive & Palliative Care, 14(1), 60-66

Rheu, M., Shin, J. Y., Peng. W. & Huh-Yoo. J., (2020). 'Systematic Review: Trust Building Factors and Implications for Conversational Agent Design'. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction , 16-Jan

Kedroske, J., Koblick, S., Shin, J.Y., Hanauer, D.A., & Choi, S.W., (2020). 'Development of a National Caregiver Health Survey for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Qualitative Study of Cognitive Interviews and Verbal Probing'. JMIR Form Res, 4(1), e17077

Baykaldi, S. & Miller, S., (2020). 'Navigating the Decisions and Ethics of Authorship: An Examination of Graduate Student Journal Article Authorship'. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator

McClaran, N., Behe, B., Huddleston, P., & Fernandez, F., (2020). 'Recycled or reclaimed? The effect of terminology on water reuse perceptions'. Journal of Environmental Management, 261, 110144

Rhodes, N., Shulman. H., & McClaran, N., (2020). 'Changing norms: A meta-analytic integration of research on social norm appeals'. Human Communication Research, 2/3, 161-191

McClaran, N., & Rhodes, N., (2020). 'Portrayal of vaccination in entertainment television: A content analysis'. Health Communication, 1-10

Thorson, E., Chen, W., & Lacy, S., (2020). 'National and Local News Consumption and Indices of Community Participation in an American Civic-Journalism News Environment'. Journalism Studies, 21(4), 443-458

Mourão, R., & Chen, W., (2020). 'Covering Protests on Twitter: The Influences on Journalists’ Social Media Portrayals of Left-and Right-Leaning Demonstrations in Brazil'. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(2), 260-280

Holtz, B. E., McCarroll, A. M., & Mitchell, K. M., (2020). 'Perceptions and Attitudes Towards aMobile Phone App for Mental Health for College Students'. JMIR Mental Health, 4(8), e-18347

Charlita de Freitas, L., Prado, T. S., L. de Souza Filho, A., Euler de Moraes, L., N. de Moura Filho, R., Stanzani, J., Cavazzoni Lima, R., Alarcón López, L. G., & Baigorri, C. M., (2020). 'Foundations for the Design of Mechanisms to Fostering Liquidity in the Secondary Spectrum Market in Brazil'. Law, State and Telecommunications Review, 12(1), 187-204

Rheu, M., Shin, J. Y., Peng. W. & Huh-Yoo. J., (2020). 'Systematic Review: Trust Building Factors and Implications for Conversational Agent Design'. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1-16

Besley, J., Newman, T., Dudo, A., & Tiffany, L. A., (2020). 'Exploring Scholars’ Public Engagement Goals in Canada and the United States'. Public Understanding of Science

Behe, B. K., Huddleston, P. T., Childs, K. L., Chen, J., Muraro, I. S., (2020). 'Seeing through the forest: The gaze path to purchase'. PLOS One

Meshi, D., Henley, D., Turel, O., (2020). 'Snapchat vs. Facebook: Differences in problematic use, behavior change attempts, and trait social reward preferences'. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 12, 100294

Hall, E., Ma, M., Azimova, D., Campbell, N., Ellithorpe, M., Plasencia, J., Chavez, M., Zekdes, G., Takahashi, B., Bleakley, A., & Hennessy, M., (2020). 'The mediating role of family and cultural food beliefs on the relationship between family communication patterns and diet and health issues across racial/ethnic groups'. Health Communication, 1-13

Argyris, A., Muqaddam, A., Miller, Steven, (2020). 'The Effects of the Visual Presentation of an Influencer’s Extraversion on Perceived Credibility and Purchase Intentions—Moderated by Personality Matching with the Audience'. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

Kadylak, T., & Cotten, S. R., (2020). 'United States older adults’ willingness to use emerging technologies'. Information, Communication and Society, 23(5), 736-750

Ball, C., Huang, K. T., Francis, J., Kadylak, T., & Cotten, S. R., (2020). 'A Call for Computer Recess: The Impact of Computer Activities on Predominantly Minority Students’ Technology and Application Self-Efficacy'. American Behavioral Scientist, 64(7), 883-899

Kadylak, T., (2020). 'An investigation of perceived family phubbing expectancy violations and well-being among US older adults'. Mobile Media and Communication, 8(2), 247-267

Tong, S. T., Corriero, E. F., Wibowo, K. A., Makki, T. W., & Slatcher, R. B., (2020). 'Self-presentation and impressions of personality through text-based online dating profiles: A lens model analysis'. New Media & Society, 22(5), 275-295

Heeter, C., Day, T., & Cherchiglia, L., (2020). 'Interoceptive Awareness: The ‘Being’ Dimension of ‘Being There’ in Virtual Worlds'. Interacting with Computers, 32(1), 1-16

Sanders-Jackson, A., Adams, R., & Jussaume, R., (2020). 'A Qualitative Evaluation of Tobacco Consumption in the Rural Michigan'. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 6(4), 224-234

Reisdorf, B. C., Triwibowo, W., & Yankelevich, A., (2020). 'Laptop or Bust: How Lack of Technology Affects Student Achievement'. American Behavioral Scientist, 64(7), 927-949

Under Review


Kadylak, T., Cotten, S., and Fennell, C., (2020- under review). 'Willingness to Use Automated Vehicles: Results from a National Sample of U.S. Older Adults'. Journal of Gerontolology and Geriatric Medicine

Jin, V., Muqaddam, A., (2020- under review). 'Death and Love in the Age of COVID-19": The Interaction Effects of Fear-Inducing Content, Death Anxiety, and Intrasexual Competition for Mates on Online Dating and Social Distance '. Computers in Human Behavior

Deng, Tao., Mengyan Ma, Saleem Alhabash,Syed Ali Hussain, Olivia JuYoung Lee, (2020- under review) '. Psychological Well-being and Selfie Posting on Social Media: Does Posting Selfie Make You Better of Worse?'. Computers in Human Behavior

Holtz, B. E., Mitchell, K. M., Holmstrom, A. J., Cotten, S. R., Hershey, D. D., Dunneback, J. K., ... & Wood, M. A., (2020- under review). 'MyT1DHero, an mHealth-Based Intervention, For Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes and Their Parents: A Pilot Study'. Pediatric Diabetes

Holtz, B. E., & Mitchell, K. M., (2020- under review). 'Comparing Diabetes and General Parenting Messages through Different Delivery Methods to Support Parents of a Child with Type 1 Diabetes'. Pediatric Diabetes

Mitchell, K. M., Holtz, B. E., & McCarroll, A. M., (2020- under review). 'Applying the UTAUT to explore initial perceptions of a mobile app for college students’ mental health'. Journal of Mental Health

Muraro, I.S., (2020- under review). 'Examining the Effect of Financial Incentives on Item Nonresponse via Propensity Score Analysis'. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology

Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., Duan, R., Tiffany, L.A., Takahashi, B., (2020- under review). 'How conservation organizations visually communicate about wildlife crime – A content analysis of advertisement images'. Environmental Communication


Conference Papers


Chen, Y., Rodgers, K., Thorson, K., Cotter, K., Baykaldi, S., (2019). 'Local civic information beyond the news: Computational identification of civic content on social media'. AEJMC

Robertson, C.T., (2019). 'Nopes and PolitiFake: The influence of the ‘liberal bias’ narrative  on conservative attitudes toward mainstream fact-checkers'. ICA

Robertson, C.T., (2019). 'Who checks? Identifying predictors of online verification behaviors'. ICA

Robertson, C.T., Mourão, R., & Thorson, E., (2019). 'Who uses fact-checking sites? The impact of demographics, political antecedents and media use on fact-checking site awareness, attitudes, and behavior'. ICA

Robertson, C.T., Fernandez, L., & Shillair, R., (2019). 'The political consequences of unfriending: Social network curation, network agreeability, and political participation'. AEJMC and TPRC

Robertson, C.T., Mourão, R., (2019). 'Conservatives trust algorithms: How mainstream media trust, discourse, correspondence, and partisanship shape attitudes towards news aggregators and search engines'. AEJMC

Shin, J. Y., Chaar, D., Kedroske, J., Vue, R., Chappell, G., & Choi, S. W., (2019). 'Understanding Family Caregiver’s Information Management: Opportunities and Challenges in Cancer Caregiving'. D.C. Health Communication Conference

Shin, J. Y., & Holtz, B. E., (2019). 'User Perspectives of an App Developed to Improve Communication in Families Regarding Type 1 Diabetes'. D.C. Health Communication Conference

Neumann, D., Thorson, E., (2019). 'Fear of Missing Out: Components of the Experience and Experiential Variations in Different Contexts'. AEJMC

Neumann, D., Rhodes, N., (2019). 'Self-Exclusion as a Form of Social Exclusion: The Social Media Context '. NCA

Rheu, M., Ewoldsen, D., Ellithorpe, M., Yao, S., & Sethi, N., (2019, May). 'An Eye for an Eye or Love Thy Neighbor?: Expectations of Reciprocity from African Americans and Its Effects on Racial Attitudes'. ICA

Rheu, M., Peng, W., & Huang, K., (2019, May). 'Leveraging Social Media to Promote Healthy Parenting'. ICA

Rheu, M., Peng, W., & Ewoldsen, D., (2019, May). 'I Need Some Distance to Experience What It Is Like to Be You: Narrative Persuasion and Expansion of Boundaries of Self through Games for Social Change'. ICA

Li, L., Rheu, M., & Kononova, A., (2019, May). 'Viewing Females in Sexualized Clothing on Instagram: Effects on Women’s Body Image'. ICA

Bente, G., Kryston, K., Aley, M., & Rheu, M., (2019, May). 'Measuring Psychophysiological Effects of Sound and Video in a Suspenseful Film Using Integrated Reception Process Analysis'. ICA

Watson, B., & Shin, S., (2019). 'Trial by media?: Media use, fear of crime, and attitudes toward police'. AEJMC 

Shin, S., (2019). 'Addressing News Media Image in an Age of Skepticism. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication'. AEJMC

Jeremy Reynolds, Matthew May, He Xian, (2019). 'Not by Bread Alone: Mobility Experiences, Religion, and Optimism about Future Mobility'. Socius, 5

Ucha, C., Makki, T., Braiman, S., Ratan, A., (2019). 'Student-Created Videos as a Pedagogical Tool: The Role of Peer Feedback and Self-Efficacy'. OLC Accelerate Online Learning Worldwide Conference

Hall, E., Ma, M., Azimova, D., & Campbell, N., (2019). 'Linking family influence on diet and health outcomes through meat-centric family and cultural food beliefs'. NCA

Alhabash, S., Thorson, E., Chen, W., Deng, T., Kanver, D., Ma, M., Park, N. R., Hirsch, J., & Smith, A., (2019). 'Effects of candidate lateral location and eye gaze direction in political ads: Evidence from self-report and eye movement patterns'. AEJMC

Ma, M., Sanders-Jackson, A., Introne, J., & Sadler, R., (2019). 'Mistrust and lack of information sharing in Flint, MI: The effects on access to healthy food'. ICA

Adams, R., Yeun, K., Ma, M. & Sanders-Jackson, A., (2019). 'Behavior matters: Intention to share is predicted by different experimental conditions than intention to engage in healthy eating'. ICA

Xian, H., Ma, M., & Sanders-Jackson, A., (2019). 'Media exposure as a correlate of alcohol and tobacco use in china: A national study'. SBM

Alhabash, Saleem., Anastasia Kononova, Jef I. Richards, Olivia JuYoung Lee, Na Rae Park, Tao Deng, Jessy Hirsch, Xichen Huang, (2019). 'Puffing on Instagram: Effect of Puffery Claim Types on Assessment of Persuasive Intentions and Knowledge'. AEJMC

Lynch, Kristen., Tao Deng, Saleem Alhabash, Olivia JuYoung Lee, Syed Ali Hussain, (2019). 'Context Matters! Effects of Contextual Information on Processing of Social Media Ads'. AEJMC

Graciano, Luis & Manuel Chavez, (2019). 'Video Game Communities in Latin America: The Case of League of Legends in Mexico'. Games + Communication Ante-Conference, A conference preceding the International Communication Association (ICA)

Slaker, J., (2019). 'Data in-furs: A narrative critique of data-driven solutions for countering social marginalization'. Society for the Social Study of Science

Hampton, K., Cotter, K., Medeiros, M., Slaker J., (2019). 'Modified multiple generator approach to enumerate personal support networks: a restricted five generator design'. International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)

Hampton, K., Cotter, K., Slaker J., Medeiros, M., (2019). 'Social tolerance in rural America as afforded by persistent and pervasive networks'. International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)

Gonzalez, M., Adams, R., & Sanders-Jackson, A., (2019). 'Why social determinants of health matter for flu vaccination uptake and developing targeted health messages'. American Public Health Association

Adams, R., Kyeungyen, Y., Mengyan, M., Sanders-Jackson, A., (2019). 'Behavior matters:  intention to share is predicted by different experimental conditions than intention to engage in healthy eating'. ICA

Sanders-Jackson, A., Introne, J, Adams, R., (2019). 'Effect of narrative structural features on intention to engage in health behaviors and information sharing in health-related narratives'. ICA

Huskey, R., Keene, J., Wilcox, S., Adams, R., Najera, C. J., & Petit, N., (2019). 'Flow dynamics during naturalistic gameplay: Results from two behavioral and one fMRI studies'. ICA

Lei, Y., & Cummings, J., (2019). 'On the Sexualization, Objectification, and Sexual Objectification of Female Characters: Exploring the Mediating Role of Dehumanization in Negative Player Outcomes'. ICA

Mays, K., Lei, Y., & Katz, J., (2019). 'Opening education through emerging technology: What are the prospects? Public perceptions of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality in the classroom'. ICA

Mays, K., Lei, Y., Giovannetti, R.F., & Katz, J., (2019). 'AI as a boss? A national U.S. survey of predispositions governing comfort with expanded AI roles in society'. ICA

Holtz, B. E. ​& Mitchell, K M.​, (2020). 'A mhealth app may help improve family conflict and type 1 diabetes management for parents caring for their child'. Kentucky Conference on Health Communication

Mitchell, K M., Holtz, B. E. ​& McCarroll, A., (2020). 'Applying the UTAUT to explore initial perceptions of a mobile app for college students’ mental health'. Kentucky Conference on Health Communication

Holtz, B., Mitchell, K. M., Hershey, D., Dunneback, J., Cotten, S., Holmstrom, A. & Wood, M., (2020). 'Improving family communication may lead to improvements in adolescents’ type 1 diabetes management: A randomized controlled trial of a novel mobile app intervention'. ICA

Mitchell, K. M., Ellithorpe, M., Bleakley, A., & Hennessy, M., (2020). 'Sex and violence in the movies: Empathy as a moderator of adolescent exposure-behavior relationship'. ICA

Mitchell, K. M., Ratan, R., Maas, M. K., Holt, K., Slaker, J. S., & Gambino, A., (2020). 'People report lower relationship satisfaction after watching virtual reality pornography than flat screen pornography'. ICA

Pak, C., Thorson, K., Cotter, K.,Medeiros, M., (2020). 'Auditing Algorithms with Donated Data: Methods for Poor Scientists?'. ICA

Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., Duan, R., Tiffany, L.A., Takahashi, B., (2020). 'How conservation organizations visually communicate about wildlife crime – A content analysis of advertisement images'. ICA

Shin, J. Y., & Holtz, B. E., (2020). 'A Qualitative Study Examining Children’s Everyday Health Management Using Health Technologies'. Kentucky Conference on Health Communication

Shin, J. Y., & Huh-Yoo, J., (2020). 'Designing Everyday Conversational Agents for Managing Health and Wellness: A Study of Alexa Skills Review'. 2020 EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive Health), (Y - ACM Full paper)

Shin, J. Y., &Holtz, B. E., (2020). 'Identifying Opportunities and Challenges: How Children Use Technologies for Managing Diabetes'. 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children, (Y - ACM Full paper)

Smriti, D., Shin, J. Y., Mujib, M.I., Colosimo, M., Kao, T., W., Williams, J.R., & Huh-Yoo, J., (2020). 'TAMICA: Tailorable Autonomous Motivational Interviewing Conversational Agent'. 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (Y - ACM Extended abstract)

Shin, J. Y., Vue, R., Kedroske, J., Mazzoli, A., Holtz, B. E., and Choi, S.W., (2020). 'Designing a Tool for Promoting Water-Intake Behavior: A qualitative Study with Pediatric Patients'. 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children, (Y - ACM Extended abstract)

Dong, Y., Muraro, I. S., & Alhabash, S., (2020). 'Getting Away with Subtweeting? The Effect of Post Directness on Perception of Digital Aggression'. ICA

Dong, Y., Park, S., Hendriks, H., Alhabash, S., & Smith, S., (2020). 'Social Media Use and Alcohol Consumption: A 10-Year Systematic Literature Review'. ICA

Dong, Y. & Alhabash, S., (2020). 'Extended Abstract: The Effects of Victim Response to Direct and Indirect Digital Aggression'. Submitted to AEJMC

Baykaldi, S.& Miller, S., (2020). 'Navigating the Decisions and Ethics of Authorship: An Examination of Graduate Student Journal Article Authorship'. submitted to AEJMC

McClaran, N., (2020). 'The impact of vaccine type on narrative communication'. ICA

Muraro, I. S., Kononova, A, Dong, Y., Wright, C., Schames, J., Grace, D., and Ding, Y., (2020). 'Are We Comparing Apples to Apples? Examining the Effect of Media Multitasking in Long-Standing Advertising Measurement Scales'. AAA

Neumann, D., Sanders-Jackson, A., (2020). 'Tobacco and Cannabis: Ads Increase Intention to Consume and Purchase Across Substances for Polysubstance User'. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Neumann, D., Rhodes, N., Sanders-Jackson, A., (2020). 'What Am I Missing?! Fear of Missing Out, Counterfactuals and Substance Use'. ICA

Neumann, D., Sanders-Jackson, A., Rhodes, N., (2020). 'Polysubstance Users and Their Resistance to Anti-Marijuana Messaging'. ICA

Janicke-Bowles, S. H., Raney, A. A., Oliver, M. B., Dale, K. R., Zaho, D., Neumann, D., Clayton, R. B., Hendry, A., (2020). 'Content Matters: Effects of Inspiring Facebook Posts on Subjective and Eudaimonic Well-Being'. ICA

Venker, C.E., Neumann, D., (2020). 'Visual Salience Increases Attention to Relevant Information in a Familiar Word Processing Task'. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Autism Research

Neumann, D., Huddleston, P. T., & Behe, B. K., (2020). 'Advertising and Instagram: Effective or Distractive?'. Summer American Marketing Association Conference

Neumann, D., Rhodes, N., Niederstadt, A., (2020). 'When Purpose Beats Humor: Perceived Morality of Firms Drives Altruistic and Egoistic Prosocial Intentions of Consumers'. Summer American Marketing Association Conference

Chen, W., & Thorson, E., (2020). 'Pathways to community participation: a comparison between loyal readers and non-subscribers of a civic newspaper'. ICA

Tunney, C. & Thorson. E., (2020). Bifurcation of Local and National/International News Audiences as News Sources Proliferate'. ICA

Tunney, C. & Thorson, E., (2020). 'Spreading the Word about Human Trafficking: News Frames and Adoption of Advocacy on Facebook'. ICA

Prado, T. S. and Bauer, J.M., (2020). 'Re-thinking Broadband Policy Design: Evidences from Brazil'. CPR LATAM

Bauer, J.M. and Prado, T. S., (2020). 'Lessons from innovation economics for digital platform policy'. ITS World

Charlita de Freitas, L. and Prado, T. S., (2020). 'Economy of infrastructure sharing in the telecommunications sector in Brazil: inventory and the design of a general sharing mechanism'. CPR LATAM

Rheu, M., Peng, W., (2020, May). 'They Seem to Be the Norms: Upward Social Comparison and Perception of Norms on Social Media Platforms'. ICA

Hautea, S., Munasinghe, A. & Rader, E., (2020 [cancelled]). 'That's Not Me': Surprising Algorithmic Inferences'. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Hautea, S., Perry, P., Takahashi, B., & Zeng, J., (2020 [submitted]). 'Extended Abstract: Mother Earth, Memes, and Multi-Modality: Expressive Depictions of Climate Change on TikTok'. AEJMC

Tiffany, L.A., Hautea, S., & Besley, J., (2020). 'Extended Abstract: Effect of Context on Scientists’ Normative Beliefs and Willingness toward Public Engagement'. AEJMC

Mesyn, T.J., (2020). 'Clinically (in)Significant'. VISCOM

Mesyn, T.J., (2020 [submitted]). 'Not Just Photojournalism: Portraits (and Snapshots) as Authentic Visual History'. AEJMC

Tiffany, L. A., & Besley, J., (2020). 'Improving Effectiveness through a Team-Based Communication Strategy'. CFP for Public Engagement with Science: Defining and Measuring Success Conference

Tiffany, L. A., (2020 [conference canceled before submissions reviewed]). 'Abstract: The Journalism-Public Relations Role Spectrum'. Journalism 2020 Conference

Tiffany, L. A., (2020). 'The Journalism-Public Relations Role Continuum'. AEJMC, Communication Theory & Methodology division top student paper competition (2nd place); Communication Theory & Methodology division overall Top Theory Paper award

Shin, S., (2020[Submitted]). 'Ideal Image for News Media: A Typology for Repairing Public Trust'. AEJMC

Shin, S., (2020 [submitted]). 'When Push Notifications Become News'. NCA

Muraro, I. S., (2020). 'Methodological Implications of Between-Coder Variance in Content Analysis'. AEJMC

Muraro, I. S, Thorson, K. Huddleston, P. T., (2020 [Submitted])'. The Role of Cause Support and Brand Relationship in Anti-Brand Collective Actions: The Carrefour Case'. AEJMC

Chidziwisano, G., Wyche, S., Oduor, E., (2020). 'GridAlert : Using a Sensor-Based Technology to Monitor Power Blackouts in Kenyan Homes'. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Chidziwisano, G., Wyche, S., Kisyula., R., (2020). 'SmartChama: Designing Collaborative Digital Financial Systems for Chama Groups in Kenya'. ACM Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development

Muqaddam, A., Peng, Z., Alhabash, A., (2020). 'Effects of Agentic and Communal Traits in Male and Female LinkedIn Profiles on Assessment of Leadership Potential and Hiring Choice for a PR Position'. ICA (selected)

Graciano, Luis, (2020). 'Panelist at the “Sports Panel Brief”, a discussion regarding the explosive growth of esports and its impacts on our society'. Michigan China forum at Michigan University.

Adams, R., Aladé, F., Ellithorpe, M., (2020). 'Examining Conversations Between Parents and Children About Childhood Vaccination'. Annual Kentucky Conference on Health Communication

Aladé, F., Adams, R., Ellithorpe, M., (2020). 'The Role of Perceived Descriptive Norms in Childhood Vaccination Compliance'. ICA

Knittel, M., Dao, M., Boice, C. & Rhodes, N., (2020 [forthcoming]). ' Sex Doesn’t Sell, Powerful Women Do: Influence of Sexualized Depictions of Men and Women on Video Game Covers on Attitude, Purchase Intent, and Self-Objectification'. International Communication Association

Knittel, M. & Shillair, R., (2020 [submitted]). 'Information Policy, Privacy Failings, and Steps Towards Empowerment in Cases of Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence'. Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy


Book Chapters


Fennell, C., (2019). Big Data and Social Science: An Overview of Web Scraping to Collecting and Harvesting. International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Oxford University Press

Cepak, Anthony & Mesyn, T.J., (Apr-20). Fakes, Forgeries, and Facebook: An Examination of Visual Literacy in the Era of Manipulated Images, Fake News and Alternative Facts. The Handbook of Visual Communication, Second Edition, (ch. 28). Routledge

Mourão, R., & Shin, S., (Expected 2020). Engaged Journalism. In Carlson, M., Usher, N., & Belair-Gagnon, V (Eds.). Rebuilding betboom teamtrust through journalism education: teaching multimedia reporting with local communities

Robertson, C.T., & Dutton, W.H., (2020 [forthcoming]). The Fifth Estate Joins the Debate: The Political Roles of Live Commentary in the First Televised Presidential Debate of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Platforms, Protests, and the Challenge of Networked Democracy.

2018 - 2019

Journal Articles


DeCook, J. R., (2018). Memes and symbolic violence: #proudboys and the use of memes for propaganda and the construction of collective identity. Learning, Media and Technology, 43(4), 485-504.

Maital Neta, Tien T Tong, Daniel J Henley, (2018). It’s a matter of time (perspectives): Shifting valence responses to emotional ambiguity. Motivation and Emotion, 42(2), 258-266.

Nathan M Petro, Tien T Tong, Daniel J Henley, Maital Neta, (2018). Individual Differences in Valence Bias: fMRI Evidence of the Initial Negativity Hypothesis. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13(7), 687-698.

DeGroot, J. M., & Leith, A. P., (2018). R.I.P. Kutner: Parasocial grief following the death of a television character. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 77(3), 199-216.

Van Witsen, Anthony (2018). How journalists establish trust in numbers and statistics: Results from an exploratory study. Understanding the Role of Trust and Credibility in Science Communication: Proceedings from the 6th ISU Symposium on Science Communication,

Van Witsen, Anthony, Takahashi, Bruno (2018). Knowledge-based journalism in science and environmental reporting: Opportunities and obstacles. Environmental Communication, 12(6), 717-730.

Dietz, Thomas, Duan, Ran, Nalley, Jakob and Van Witsen, Anthony (2018). Social Support for Water Quality: The Influence of Values and Symbolic Racism. Human Ecology Review, 24(1), 51-70.

Deng, T., Kanthawala, S., Meng, J., Peng, W., Kononova, A., Hao, Q., Zhang, Q., & David, P. (2018) . Measuring smartphone usage and task-switching with objective tracking and self-reports: An exploratory study. Mobile Media & Communication, 7(1).

Deng, T. & Grow, J. (2018). Gender segregation revealed: Five years of Red Books data tell a global story. Advertising & Society Quarterly, 19(3), online.

M Chavez, R Beard, C Tunney (2018). Current Migration in the United States: the Dynamics of Reform, Public Opinion, and Unforeseen Political Forces. The Twenty-third Italian Report on Migrations, 2017(1), 89-110.

Shin, J. Y., Kang, T. I., Noll, R. B., & Choi, S. W. (2018). Supporting Caregivers of Patients With Cancer: A Summary of Technology-Mediated Interventions and Future Directions. American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book, 38, 838-849.

Kanthawala, S., Joo, E., Kononova, A., Peng, W., & Cotten, S., (2018). Folk theorizing the quality and credibility of health apps. Mobile Media & Communication

Deng, T., Kanthawala, S., Meng, J., Peng, W., Kononova, A., Hao, Q., Zhang, Q., & David, P. (2018). Measuring smartphone usage and task-switching with objective tracking and self-reports: An exploratory study. Mobile Media & Communication, 7(1)

Holtz, B. E., Murray, K., & Park, T. (2018). "Serious Games for Children with Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review". Games for Health Journal

Holtz, B. E., Mitchell, K. M., Hershey, D. D., Cotten, S. R., Holmstrom, A. J., Richman, J., & Wood, M. A. (2018). Using an mHealth App to Transition Care of Type 1 Diabetes from Parents to Teens: Protocol for a Pilot Study. JMIR Research Protocols

Mitchell, K. M., Holtz, B. E., & McCarroll, A. (2018). "Patient-Centered Methods for Designing and Developing Health Information Communication Technologies: A Systematic Review.". Telemedicine and e-Health

Holtz, B. E., Mitchell, K. M., Nuttall, A. K., Cotten, S. R., Hershey, D. D., Dunneback, J. K., & Wood, M. A. (2018). Using User-Feedback to Develop a Website: MyT1DHope, for Parents of Children with T1D. Health Communication

Makki, T.W., O’Neal, L.J., Cotten, S.R, Rikard, R.V. (2018). When first order barriers are high: A comparison of second- and third-order barriers to classroom computing integration. Computers & Education

Kadylak, T., Makki, T.W., Francis, J., Cotten, S.R., Rikard, R.V., Sah, Y.J. (2018). Disrupted copresence: An analysis of older adults’ views on the impact of mobile phone use during face to face interactions. Mobile Media & Communication

Francis, J., Kadylak, T., Makki, T.W., Rikard, R.V., Cotten, S.R. (2018). Catalyst to connection: When technical difficulties lead to social support for older adults. American Behavioral Scientist

Kadylak, T., Makki, T.W. (2018). Facebook as a Social Support Access Point: Exploring the Solicitation of Social Support Subtypes . The Journal of Social Media in Society

Shin, Y.S., Dai, Y., Beyea, D., Prchal, B., Makki, T.W., Schlafhauser, K., Van Der Heide, B. (2018). Curbing Negativity: Influence of Providing Justifications About Control Over User-Generated Comments on Social Media. Communication Research

Ratan, R., Fordham, J., Leith, A. P., & Williams, D., (2019). Women keep it real: Avatar gender choice in League of Legends. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, (in press).

Cotter, K. (2019). Playing the visibility game: How digital influencers and algorithms negotiate influence on Instagram. New Media & Society, (in press).

Grow, J. & Deng, T. (2019). Time’s Up Advertising: Women (in) American advertising creative departments. Gender, Work & Organization, (in press).

Li, L., Peng, W., (2019). Transitioning through Social Media: International Students’ SNS Use, Perceived Social Support, and Acculturative Stress. Computers in Human Behavior, 98, 69-79.

Kononova, A., Li, L., Kamp, K., Bowen, M., Rikard, R. V., Cotten, S., & Peng, W., (2019). The Use of Wearable Activity Trackers Among Older Adults: Focus Group Study of Tracker Perceptions, Motivators, and Barriers in the Maintenance Stage of Behavior Change. JMIR mHealth and uHealth , 7, e9832.

Robertson, C. T., Dutton, W. H., Ackland, R., & Peng, T.-Q, (2019). The democratic role of social media in political debates: The use of Twitter in the first televised US presidential debate of 2016. Journal of Information Technology & Politics

Chen, W., & Thorson, E., (2019). Perceived individual and societal values of news and paying for subscriptions. Journalism

Thorson, E., Chen, W., & Lacy, S., (2019). Civic participation and connectivity with a metro newspaper. Newspaper Research Journal

Thorson, E., Tham, SM., Chen, W., & Kanuri, V., (2019). Exposure to Presidential Candidate Advertising on Television, Website, and Social Media During 23 Days of the 2016 Primary. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising

Ball, C., Huang, K. T., Rikard, R. V., & Cotten, S. R., (2019). The emotional costs of computers: An expectancy-value theory analysis of predominantly low-socioeconomic status minority students’ STEM attitudes. Information, Communication and Society, 22(1), 105-128.

Huang, K. T., Ball, C., Francis, J., Ratan, R., Boumis, J., & Fordham, J. (2019). Augmented versus virtual reality in education: An exploratory study examining science knowledge retention when using augmented reality/virtual reality Mobile applications. nder R, 22(2), 105-110.

Heinrich, W. F., Cherchiglia, L., Abalo, T. R., & Bonnell, J. R. (2019). Learning to Innovate: A Case Study of Malawian Faculty Improving Food Systems with Human Centered Design. International Journal of Agriculture Education and Extension, 5(5), 225-241.

Tsai, H.C., Rikard, R.V., Cotton, S. R., Shillair, R. (2019). Senior Technology Exploration, Learning, and Acceptance (STELA) Model: From Exploration to Use – A Longitudinal Randomized Controlled Trial. Educational Gerontology, 45(12), 728-743.

Dutton, W., Creese, S., Shillair, R., & Bada, M., (2019). Cybersecurity Capacity: Does It Matter?. Journal of Information Policy, 9, 280-306.

Holt, T. J., Lee, J. R., Freilich, J. D., Chermak, S. M., Bauer, J. M., Shillair, R. & Ross, A., (2020). An Exploratory Analysis of the Characteristics of Ideologically Motivated Cyberattacks. Terrorism and Political Violence, (online pre-print)


Conference Papers


Neumann, D., Rhodes, N., (2018). 'The Emotional Consequences of Social Exclusion through Social Media'. AEJMC

Neumann, D., Huddleston, P. T., & Behe, B. K., (2018). 'Cool! This is so me!”: perceived product coolness, purchase intention and the roles of identity, motivation to own, and value'. AMA/ACRA

Sanders-Jackson, A., Clayton, R. B., Neumann, D., Tan, A. SL, (2018). 'Visual Attention of Smokers to ENDS-Related Cues in Anti-Vaping PSAs'.  NIH TRS Meeting

DeCook, J. R., (2018). 'The reddit sidebar as digital doxa: An exploration of r/TheRedPill's knowledge curation practices'. AoIR

McClaran, N., Behe, B.K., Huddleston, P., & Hall, C.R. , (2018). 'U.S. consumer perceptions of uses and contents of recycled and reclaimed water'. American Society of Horticulture Science (ASHS)

Behe, B.K., McClaran, N., Huddleston, P., & Hall, C.R., (2018). 'The effect of priming messages on consumer perceptions of recycled water '. ASHS

McClaran, N., & Steinhardt, J., (2018). 'The role of narratives on the enjoyment and appreciation of popular music'. AEJMC

Rhodes, N., & McClaran, N., (2018). 'Sleep norms in entertainment: The role of media in shaping injunctive and descriptive norms'. NCA

McClaran, N., (2018). 'Communicating Risk in entertainment: The role of social norms'. SRA

Leith, A. P., (2018). 'Playing games for others: Constructing a gameplay livestreaming taxonomy'. Meaningful Play

Leith, A. P., (2018). 'Giving you your space: Examining gamespace expandability'. Meaningful Play

Liang, Y., Lee-Argyris, Y., & Muqaddam, A., (2018). 'Changing Brand Attitudes through Influencer Marketing'. AMCIS

Takahashi, B., Van Witsen, A., Joshi, A., Duan, R., and Li, W., (2018). 'A systematic review of research on news media coverage of the environment'. AEJMC + Accepted to Environmental Communication Handbook

Rader, E., Cotter, K., Cho, J., (2018). 'Explanations as mechanisms for supporting algorithmic transparency'. CHI

Cotter, K., (2018). 'Playing the Visibility Game: How Digital Influencers and Algorithms Negotiate Influence on Instagram'. AEJMC

Thorson, K., Cotter, K.,Medeiros, M., Pak, C., (2018). 'Digital traces of political interest and exposure to political content on Facebook '. ICA

Pak, C., Cotter, K.,DeCook, J., (2018). 'An evolved media landscape: A network exploration of the incorporation of partisan news organizations into the larger media ecosystem'. ICA

Thorson, K., Medeiros, M., Cotter, K., & Pak, C., (2018). 'Advertising categories as clues about political content exposure on Facebook'. American Political Science Association

Shin, J. Y., Kedroske, J., Vue, R., Sankaran, R., Chaar, D., Churay, T., & Choi, S. W., (2018). 'Design Considerations for Family-Centered Health Management: Preliminary Findings with Pediatric BMT Patients'. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children. ACM.

Shin, J. Y., Bozaan, D., & Goyal, A., (2018). 'Interactive Tools for Patient’s Comprehension: Patient experiences reviewing daily basis records'. Hospital Medicine 2018

Medeiros, M., (2018). 'Manipulating political exposure online: Testing active and passive civic customization'. International Conference on Web and Social Media: Designed Data for Bridging the Lab and the Field: Tools, Methods, and Challenges in Social Media Experiments

Kononova, A., Kamp, K., Bowen, M., Li, L., Rikard, R. V., DeClercq, J., Cotten, S. R., Peng, W., (2018). 'The use of wearable activity trackers (WAT) among older adults: Analysis of WAT feature perceptions, motivators, and barriers in different stages of behavior change'. ICA

Li, L., Shao, CY., (2018). 'Asian International Students’ Mass Media Use and Acculturation Strategies: Considering the Effects of Remote Acculturation'. AEJMC

Li, L., (2018). 'International Student’s Social Networking Sites Use, Perceived Social Support, and Acculturative Stress'. AEJMC

Muraro, I.S., (2018). 'Examining the Effect of Financial Incentives on Item Nonresponse via Propensity Score Analysis'. 2018 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR) Conference.

Kanthawala, S., Joo, E., Kononova, A., Peng, W., & Cotton, S., (2018). 'Folk theorizing the quality and credibility of health apps'. AEJMC

Kanthawala, S., Peng, W., Holtz, B., (2018). 'Consumer Health Apps: Healthcare Providers’ Perspectives'. American Medical Informatics Association Annual Meeting

Kononova, A., Zhao, R., Joo, E., Yang, J., Kanthawala, S., Xie, T., (2018). 'Are Commercially Sponsored Health Mobile Apps Credible? The Role of Visual Attention to App Interfaces and Persuasion Knowledge'. Kentucky Conference of Health Communication

Holtz, B., Murray, K., (2018). 'Using Theory and User-Feedback to Develop a Website: MyT1DHope, for Parents of Children with T1D'. ICA

Holtz, B., ​Hershey, D., Cotten, S., Holmstrom, A., Dunneback, J., Murray, K., & Wood, M.​, (2018). 'Using the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping to Explore Parent’s Perspectives of their Child’s with Type 1 Diabetes Transition to Self-Management'. Kentucky Conference on Health Communication

Holtz, B., Murray, K., Hershey, D., Nuttall, A., Cotten, S., Park, T., Dunneback, J., & Wood, M., (2018). 'The Development and Testing of MyT1DHope: A Website for Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes'. American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Thomas, B., Murray, K., Vasold, K., Carmody, M., Jang, Y., & Butler, M., (2018). 'An Investigation into Sexual Assault Disclosure among College Students'. NCA

Mourao, R., & Robertson, C.T., (2018). 'Fake news as discursive integration: a content analysis of sites that publish false, misleading, hyperpartisan and sensational information'. ICA

Robertson, C.T., & Mourao, R., (2018). 'News you won’t see anywhere else”: Understanding fake news from the perspective of its producers'. AEJMC

Chidziwisano, G., Wyche, S., (2018). 'M-Kulinda: Using a sensor-based technology probe to explore domestic security in rural Kenya '. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Wyche, S., Chidzwisano, G., Uwimbabazi, F. and Simiyu, (2018). 'Defamiliarizing the Domestic: Exploring “M-Kopa Solar” Use and Sustainable Practices in Rural Kenyan Households'. ACM conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS'18)

Keene, J. R., Adams, R., Najera, C. J., Fisher, J. T., Berke, C. K., Loof, T., & Bolls, P. D., (2018). 'Organized complexity in communication science: A system review and meta-analysis of psychophysiological methods in communication'. ICA

Najera, C. J., Adams, R., Keene, J. R., Berke, C. K., & Rasmussen, E. E., (2018). 'Parental co-viewing and the processing of educational content: Does physiological synchrony explain social facilitation effects?'. ICA

Huskey, R., Keene, J. R., Wilcox, S., Adams, R., & Petit, N., (2018). 'Interpreting the effects of media content on flow dynamics during naturalistic gameplay'. NCA

Knittel, M. & Wash R., (2019). 'How “True Bitcoiners” Work on Reddit to Maintain Bitcoin'. CHI

Neumann, D., Huddleston, P. T., & Behe, B. K. , (2019). '“Hey, I saw this on Instagram!” – How Exposures to Products on Social Media, Engagement and Fear of Missing Out Affect Attitudes'. Academy of Marketing

Neumann, D., Sanders-Jackson, A., Clayton, R. B., Tan, A. SL., (2019). 'Visual Attention to Vaping Related Cues in Public Service Announcements and Effects on Vaping- and Smoking-Related Outcomes'. ICA

DeCook, J. R., (2019). 'Eastern Sun Rising: MRAsians, Masculinity, and the Politics of Digital Space'. ICA

McClaran, N., & Rhodes, N., (2019). 'Modeling the social predictors of healthy sleep behaviors'. ICA

Liang, Y., & Introne, J., (2019). 'Social Roles, Interactions and Community Sustainability in Social Q&A Sites: A Resource-based Perspective'. HICSS

Joshi, A., and Zwickle, A., (2019). 'Save them or lose them: Conservation message frames and pro-environmental behavior'. Accepted to ISSRM conference

Joshi, A., (2019). 'How Indian newspapers cover wildlife crime: An interdisciplinary conservation criminology approach'. ICA

Cotter, K., Medeiros, M., Pak, C., Thorson, K., (2019). 'Building algorithmic knowledge: Customization as experiential learning'. ICA Extended Abstracts

Cotter, K., Reisdorf, B., (2019). 'Algorithmic knowledge gaps: Education and experience as co-determinants'. ICA

Thorson, K., Chen, Y., Cotter, K., Medeiros, M., Rodgers, K., Bae, A., Baykaldi, S., (2019). 'When the news shrinks: Social media, community information needs, and the evaporation of politics'. ICA

Shin, J. Y. & Holtz, B. E., (2019). 'Supporting Transitions for Children with Type 1 Diabetes: User Perspectives on A Mobile Health App'. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children. ACM.

Tunney, C., & Thorson, E., (2019). 'Why Do People Both Follow and Avoid Fear-Inducing News Topics?'. ICA

Medeiros, M., (2019). 'Politicians on Facebook: Constituent Communication at Three Levels'. ICA

Hampton, K., Medeiros, M., Cotter, K., & Slaker, J., (2019). 'Modified multiple generator approach to enumerate personal support networks: A restricted five generator design'. International Sunbelt Social Network Conference

Medeiros, M., Toper, V., & Thorson, K., (2019). 'Interpreted political interest: Experimentally manipulating civic customization to measure on exposure to politics on Facebook'. MPSA

Thorson, K., Bergan, D., Lajevardi, N., Carnahan, D., Reckhow, S., & Medeiros, M., (2019). 'Promoting the Youth Vote: The Role of Informational Cues and Social Pressure'. APSA

Zhang, Q., (2019). 'Frame Analysis of the Coverages on Puerto Rico in US and UK during Hurricane Maria'. ICA

Cepak, Anthony & Mesyn, T.J., (2019). 'Fakes, Forgeries, and Facebook: An Examination of Visual Literacy in the Era of Manipulated Images, Fake News, and Alternative Facts'. VISCOM

Li, L., Rheu, MJ., Kononova, A., (2019). 'Viewing Females in Sexualized Clothing on Instagram: Effects on Women’s Body Image'. ICA

Li, L., Peng, W., (2019). 'Does Health Information Technology Promote Healthy Behaviors? The Mediating Role of Self-regulation'. ICA

Li, L., Peng, W., (2019). 'Learning about America: International Students’ SNS use, Cultural Learning, and Sociocultural Adaptation'. ICA

Hsu, Y.-C., Kononova, A., Lin, C.-H., Muraro, I. S., Park, N.-R., & Hirsch, J. P., (2019). 'Extended Abstract: Blending in or standing out? The effects of brand familiarity in native and traditional advertising mobile videos on brand attitudes, memory, and purchase intention'. 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication (ICA) Conference

Joo, E., Kanthawala, S., Kononova, A., Peng, W., & Cotten, S., (2019). 'Why Smartphone Users Are Willing to Share Personal Information Through Mobile Health Apps: Perceptions of Government, Non-for-Profit, and Commercial App Sponsors'. Global Conference of the American Advertising Association (AAA)

Holtz, B., Kanthawala, S., (2019). 'Empowerment through the Instagram landscape:#t1dlookslikeme community'. D.C. Conference of Health Communication

Shin, J., Mitchell, K.M., Holtz, B.E., (2019). 'User Perspectives of an App Developed to Improve Disease Management Transition for Families with a Child with Type 1 Diabetes'. Annual Pediatric Research Day

Holtz, B., Mitchell, K., Hershey, D., Dunneback, J., Cotten, S., Holmstrom, A., & Wood, M., (2019). 'The MyT1DHero Mobile App for Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes and their Parents: A Pilot Study'. DC Health Communication Conference

Mitchell, K., & Thomas, B.​, (2019). 'Examining Student Definitions of Sexual Assault Before and After a Major Event'. DC Health Communication Conference

Mitchell, K. M., Ratan, R., Maas, M. K., Holt, K., Slaker, J. S., & Gambino, A., (2019). 'Virtual Reality Pornography is Associated with Greater Rape Myth Acceptance, Relationship Dissatisfaction, and Self-Reported Addiction, but Causality is Uncertain'. The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)

Hsu, Y.C., Kononova, A., Lin, C.H., Muraro, I. S., Park, N.R., & Hirsch, J. P., (2019). 'Blending in or standing out? The effects of brand familiarity in native and traditional advertising mobile videos on brand attitudes, memory, and purchase intention'. ICA

Huskey, R., Keene, J., Wilcox, S., Adams, R., Najera, C. J., & Petit, N., (2019). 'Behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence of flow state dynamics during naturalistic gameplay'. Cognitive Neuroscience Society

Adams, R., Sanders-Jackson, A., Jussaume, R., (2019). 'Tobacco control policies and norms in rural Michigan: a focus group study'. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco

Dutton, W., Esteve-Gonzalez, P., and Shillair, R., (2019). 'Cyber Security Capacity Building: A Cross-National Empirical Study'. Global Forum on Cyber Expertise Annual Meeting. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Banerjee, S., Swearingen, T., Shillair, R., Bauer, J., Holt, T., and Ross, A., (2019). 'Analysis of Cyberattack Patterns across Longitudinal Data'. 2nd Annual Conference on the Human Factor in Cybercrime. Amsterdam.

Shillair, R. & Fernandez, (2019). 'Diversity without disagreeability: A multi-national examination of social networks and participation in political dialog'. TPRC

Robertson, C. and Fernandez, L. and Shillair, R., (2019). 'The Political Outcomes of Unfriending: Social Network Curation, Network Agreeability, and Political Participation'. AEJMC

Fernandez, L. and Shillair, R. and Reisdorf, B., (2019). 'Building Our Own Bridges: How a Distressed Urban Neighborhood Bridges the Digital Divide'. TPRC

Robertson, C. and Fernandez, L. and Shillair, R., (2019). 'The Political Outcomes of Unfriending: Social Network Curation, Network Agreeability, and Political Participation'. TPRC

Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., Duan, R., Tiffany, L.A., Takahashi, B., (2020). 'How conservation organizations visually communicate about wildlife crime – A content analysis of advertisement images'. Under review

Joshi, A., (2020). 'Motivating sustainable behaviors by framing biodiversity loss as a public health risk'. Under review

Creese, S., Dutton, W. H., Esteve-Gonzalez, P. and Shillair, R., (2020). 'Cybersecurity Capacity Building: Cross-National Benefits and International Divide'. TPRC

Creese, S., Dutton, W., Esteve-Gonzalez, P., Shillair, R., (2020). 'Cybersecurity Capacity Building: Cross-National Benefits and International Divides'. EU Cyber Direct: Supporting EU Cyber Diplomacy. Closing the Gap Conference


Book Chapters


Deng, T., Ekachai, D., & Grow, J., (2019). Coca-Cola: Globalizing Gender. Decoding Coca-Cola: A Biography of a Global Brand, Crawford, R., Brennan, L. & Khamis, S.(eds.), Routledge, N.Y.

Francis, J., Ball, C., Kadylak, T., & Cotten, S. R., (2019). Aging in the digital age: Conceptualizing technology adoption and digital inequalities. Ageing and digital technology (pp. 35-49)

Creese, S., Shillair, R., Bada, M. and Dutton, W., (2019). Building the Cyber Security Capacity of Nations. Society and the Internet: How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing Our Lives. Revised 2nd Edition. Ed. Mark Graham & William H. Dutton 2nd ed (pp. 164-179). Oxford University Press

2016 - 2017

Journal Articles


Leith, A. P., Ratan, R. A., Wohn, D. Y.,(2016). 'The (de)evolution of evolution games: Analyzing the accuracy of evolution depiction in video games', Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(4), 655-664.

Peng, W., Kanthawala, S., Yuan, S., & Hussain, S. A.,(2016). 'A qualitative study of user perceptions of mobile health apps'. BMC Public Health, 16(1), 1158

Kanthawala, S., Vermeesch, A., Given, B. & Huh, J.,(2016). 'Answers to health questions: Internet search results versus online health community responses'. JMIR, 18(4)

Takahashi, Bruno, Duan, Ran and Van Witsen, Anthony,(2017). 'Hispanics’ Behavioral Intentions Towards Energy Conservation: The Role of Sociodemographic, informational, and Attitudinal Variables'. Social Science Quarterly, 91(1), 341-361.

Takahashi, Bruno, Duan, Ran, Joshi, Apoorva, Van Witsen, Anthony & Freedman, Eric,(2017). 'Framing extinction: Societal attitudes toward the passenger pigeon in editorials and opinion pieces'. Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin, 3-74.

M Chavez, M Perez, C Tunney, S Núñez,(2017). 'Accountability and transparency diluted in the Flint water crisis: A case of institutional implosion', Norteamérica, 12 (1),11-52

M Chavez, & C Tunney,(2017). 'Disillusionment and Divide: How American Cable TV Newspaper Covered President Trump's Immigration Strategy'. http://www.acoma.it/content/popular-music-identità-e-classe


VanDam, C., Kanthawala, S., Pratt, W., Chai, J., Huh, J.,(2017). 'Detecting clinically related content in online patient posts'. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 75, 96-106

Holtz BE, Murray KM, Hershey DD, Dunneback JK, Cotten SR, Holmstrom AJ, Vyas A, Kaiser MK, Wood MA.,(2017). 'Developing a Patient-Centered mHealth App: A Tool for Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes and Their Parents'. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth

Holtz, B. E., Murray, K. M., Hershey, D. D., Richman, J., Dunneback, J. K., Vyas, A., & Wood, M.A.,(2017). 'The design and development of MyT1DHero: A mobile app for adolescents with type 1 diabetes and their parents'. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare

Makk, T.W., DeCook, J.R., Kadylak, T., Lee, O.J., (2017). 'The social value of snapchat: An exploration of affiliation motivation, the technology acceptance model, and relational maintenance in Snapchat use'. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction


Conference Papers


Jia, F., Kanthawala, S., Totzkay, D., David, P.,(2016). 'In the mood: Genre, gender, and mood management in music'. NCA

Murray, K., Holtz, B., Wood, M., Cotten, S., Dunneback, J., Hershey, D., Holmstrom, A., & Vyas, A.,(2016). 'Developing a Patient-Centered mHealth App for Diabetes'. Partners Connected Health Symposium

Shillair, R., Dutton, W.,(2016). 'Instilling a Cybersecurity Mindset'. TPRC

Shillair, R.,(2016). 'Talking about Online Safety: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Cybersecurity Learning Process of Online Labor Market Workers'. ACM SIGDOC Conference

Shillair, R.,(2016). 'Fostering a cybersecurity mindset: elements and directions'. Oxford Internet Institute Summer PhD Research Program

McClaran, N.,(2017). 'Science in the news: The politicization of fracking'. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

Winter, K., Tong, T.T., Henley, D.J., & Neta, M.,(2017). 'It’s a matter of time (perspectives): Shifting valence responses to emotional ambiguity'. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

Doxey, C.R., Enersen, A.E., Henley, D.J. & Neta, M.,(2017). 'The effects of age on emotional processing'. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Spring Research Fair

Doxey, C.R., Tong, T.T., Henley, D.J. & Neta, M.,(2017). 'Positive valence bias in response to ambiguous facial expressions is associated with emotion regulation ability'. Social and Affective Neuroscience

Liang, Y., (2017). 'Knowledge Sharing in Online Discussion Threads: What Predicts the Ratings?'. CSCW

Takahashi, B., Duan, R., Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., and Freedman, E.,(2017). 'Societal attitudes towards extinction and endangered species: The passenger pigeon in editorials and opinion pieces'. In Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin (pp. 63-74). Routledge

Cotter, K.,Cho, J., and Rader, E.,(2017). 'Explaining the news feed algorithm: An analysis of the “News Feed FYI” blog'. CHI Extended Abstracts

Cotter, K.,Fennell, C., Peng, Z.,(2017). 'Overrun by emotion: How emotional reactions predict news sharing to social media'. AEJMC

Shin, J. Y., Marshall, J., Bozaan, D., Nunoo-Quarcoo, F., & Park, S. Y.,(2017). 'Patient-Provider Communication: Improving Patients’ Comprehension of Their Care'. AMIA 2017: Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 2017

Medeiros, M. & Cummings, J.,(2017). 'Polarization and technological selective exposure: A new exploration of de facto selective exposure'. ICA

Oppliger, P. & Medeiros, M.,(2017). 'Free to be he: Portrayals of transgendered characters in Freeform’s The Fosters'. ECA

Li, L., Peng, W., Kamp, K., Bowen, M., Cotten, S., Rikard, R.V., & Kononova, A.,(2017). 'Poster: Understanding Long-Term Adoption of Wearable Activity Trackers Among Older Adults'. 2017 Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications

DeClercq, J., Cotten, S. R., Peng, W., Kononova, A., Bowen, M., Kamp, K., Rikard, R. V., & Li, L., (2017). 'Wearable Activity Trackers and Older Adults: The Social Effect and Importance in Healthcare'. Connected Health Conference

David, P., Totzkay, D., Kanthawala, S., Jia, F., & Hsu, Y.,(2017). 'Music, multitasking, and mood management'. ICA

Holtz, B., Murray, K., Kaiser, M., Park, T., O’Donnell, C.,(2017). 'What do we know about games for health?'. ICA

Holtz, B., Murray, K., Hershey, D., Dunneback, J., Cotten, S., Holmstrom, A., Kaiser, M., Wood, M.,(2017). 'The Development and Prototype Testing of a Patient-Centered mHealth App for Diabetes'. American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Holtz, B., Murray, K., Kaiser, M.,(2017). 'Games for Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Systematic Review'. American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions

Holtz, B. E., Jang, Y., & Murray, K.,(2017). 'From healthcare providers’ point of view: Can health trackers help patients?'. D. C. Health Communication Conference

Dutton, W., Creese, S., Shillair, R., Bada, M., Roberts, T.,(2017). 'Cybersecurity Capacity: Does It Matter?'. TPRC

Shillair, R., (2017). 'Marginalized, victimized, and unaware: Cyber security threats, age cohort and the second digital divide'. Connected Life Conference 2017, Oxford Internet Institute

Shillair, R.,(2017). 'Searching about Safety: Exploring the Information Search Process in the Digital Safety Realm'. ICA

Shillair, R., LaRose, R., Jiang, M., Cotten, S.R., and Rifon, N.,(2017). 'The Role of Habits and Prior Experience in Motivating User Cybersecurity Behavior'. ICA

Dutton, W., Shillair, R. Bada, M. Creese, Roberts, T.,(2017). 'Capacity Matters: Analysis of the Impact of Building Cyber Security Capacity'. Oxford Martin Cyber Security Annual Conference

Shillair, R., Meng, J., (2017). 'Multiple sources for security: Seeking online safety information and their influence on coping self-efficacy and protection behavior habits'. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS)

Rifon, N.J., Jiang, M., Cotten, S.R., LaRose, R., Alhabash, S, Shillair, R., & Cunningham, C.,(2017). 'Educating Elderly Consumers to Safely Use Electronic Banking: A Test of Cybersecurity Education Methods'. Winter American Marketing Association Conference


Book Chapters

Takahashi, B., Duan, R., Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., & Freedman, E., (2017).Societal attitudes towards extinction and endangered species: The passenger pigeon in editorials and opinion pieces. Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin (pp. 63-74). New York, NY: Routledge.

2014 - 2015

Journal Articles


Yuan, S., Ma, W., Kanthawala, S., & Peng, W. (2015). 'Keep Using My Health Apps: Discover Users' Perception of Health and Fitness Apps with the UTAUT2 Model'. Telemedicine and e-Health, 21(9), 735-741

Tsai, H.S., Shillair, R. and Cotten, S. R. (2015). 'Social support and ‘playing around’: An examination of how older adults acquire digital literacy with tablet computers'. Journal of Applied Gerontology', 36(1), 29-55

Tsai, H. S., Shillair, R., Cotten, S. R., Winstead, V., & Yost, E. (2015). 'Getting Grandma Online: Are Tablets the Answer for Increasing Digital Inclusion for Older Adults in the U.S.?'. Educational Gerontology, 41(10), 695-709

Shillair, R., Cotten, S. R., Tsai, H. S., Alhabash, S., Larose, R., & Rifon, N. J. (2015) 'Online Safety Begins with You and Me : Convincing Internet Users to Protect Themselves'. Computers in Human Behavior, 48(July), 199-207


Conference Papers


Jiang, M., Rifon, N.J., Cotten, S.R., Tsai, H. S., Shillair, R., LaRose, R., & Alhabash, S. (2014). 'Generational Differences in Electronic Banking: Understanding What Motivates Older Generations to Adopt'. AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference

Shillair, R., Tsai, S., Rikard, RV, Cotton, S. (2014). 'Games Going Gray: A Longitudinal Study on the Adoption and Use of Technology by Older Adults in Assisted and Independent Living Communities'. Meaningful Play Conference

Tsai, S., Shillair, R., and Cotton, S. (2014). Social support and ‘playing around’: An examination of how older adults acquire digital literacy with tablet computers'. TPRC

LaRose, R., Vaniea, K., Shillair, R., and Tsai S. (2014). 'Panel Participant: Promoting the Good Life Online: Improving Online Security Through Consumer Education, Good Habits, Software Design, and Public Policy'. ICA

Shillair, R. (2014). 'The Knowledge Gap and Changing Information Sources'. ICA Pre-Conference Digital Divide

Tsai, S. Shillair, R., & Cotton, S. (2014). 'Getting Grandma Online: Are Tablets the Answer for Increasing Digital Inclusion for Older Adults in the U.S.?'. ICA Pre-Conference Digital Divide

Peng, W., Kanthawala, S., Yuan, S. & Hussain, S.A. (2015). 'Qualitative study of user perceptions of health and fitness apps: Benefits and barriers'. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition

Kanthawala, S., VanDam, C., Given, B., Chai, J., Vermeesch, A., Huebner, M., Crowley, J. & Huh, J. (2015). 'Question types in online health communities'. American Medical Informatics Association Annual Meeting

Shillair, R. and Wash R. (2015). 'Are You Listening: Social Roles and the Perceived Value of Statements in Online Learning Communities'. Proceedings of the ACM 4th Annual Learning @ Scale Conference

LaRose, R., Rifon, N.J., Cotten, S.R., Alhabash, S., Jiang, M., Shillair, R., Rikard, R.V., & Cunningham, C. (2015). 'Generational Differences in Online Safety Protection Motivation'. Amsterdam Privacy Conference

Shillair, R. LaRose, R., Jiang, M., Tsai, S., Alhabash, S., Cotten, S., & Rifon, N. (2015). 'Determined to be Safe: Experiences and Habits in Motivating Online Safety Protection'. AEJMC

Shillair, R., Rikard, RV, Cotten, S., and Tsai, S. (2015). 'Not So Lonely Surfers: Computer Comfort, Internet Use and Life Satisfaction in Older Adults'. iConference


Book Chapters

LaRose, R., Alhabash, S., Jiang, M.T., Shillair, R., Tsai, H., Cotten, S. R. & Rifon, N. (2015). Communicating Online Safety: Protecting Our Good Life on the Net. Communication and the Good Life. International Communication Association.